‘We’re in Cold War 2: China is Soviet Union’s heir, India is close to US'

Chimerica is over. It began dying in the 2008 financial crisis. By 2015, it was dead – with Donald Trump’s election, its funeral began. We are now in Cold War 2 and the United States has woken up to the threat China poses. The Chinese also made their move too soon, before they were ready. Now, they find themselves increasingly isolated the world over.

‘We’re in Cold War 2: China is Soviet Union’s heir, India is close to US'
Chimerica is over. It began dying in the 2008 financial crisis. By 2015, it was dead – with Donald Trump’s election, its funeral began. We are now in Cold War 2 and the United States has woken up to the threat China poses. The Chinese also made their move too soon, before they were ready. Now, they find themselves increasingly isolated the world over.