Viral sheep video: Not all drones are threats!

A drone shot of a flock of sheep from Israel recently went viral on social media. The time-lapse video captured the imagination of people around the world. We spoke to the video’s creator, Lior Patel and asked him about his journey. Lior is a professional aerial photographer, living in Haifa, Israel. He was inspired to work with goats from a post he saw surfing on the net. He spoke to farmers and tracked down a large herd of sheep in the Peace Valley region of Israel. Lior spent seven months following the herd of sheep to get the perfect shots. Once the video went viral, Lior was approached by many to monetize it. He said no to all offers because he wanted everyone to enjoy it. Lior is currently working with camels caravans in Israel’s the Judaean Desert. He says he wants to do more long-term projects. And not worry about posting on social media instantly, in a bid to keep up. Lior’s message to other creators: ‘Don’t try to be viral, do your best, if it happens it happens!’.

Viral sheep video: Not all drones are threats!
A drone shot of a flock of sheep from Israel recently went viral on social media. The time-lapse video captured the imagination of people around the world. We spoke to the video’s creator, Lior Patel and asked him about his journey. Lior is a professional aerial photographer, living in Haifa, Israel. He was inspired to work with goats from a post he saw surfing on the net. He spoke to farmers and tracked down a large herd of sheep in the Peace Valley region of Israel. Lior spent seven months following the herd of sheep to get the perfect shots. Once the video went viral, Lior was approached by many to monetize it. He said no to all offers because he wanted everyone to enjoy it. Lior is currently working with camels caravans in Israel’s the Judaean Desert. He says he wants to do more long-term projects. And not worry about posting on social media instantly, in a bid to keep up. Lior’s message to other creators: ‘Don’t try to be viral, do your best, if it happens it happens!’.