VHP for dropping one-child norm in draft UP population policy

The Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) has suggested changes to be made in the draft Uttar Pradesh Population (Control, Stabilisation and Welfare) Bill, 2021 which has been published by UP Law Commission inviting suggestions for modification. The rightwing organisation has recommended the deletion of three sections “to avoid the contraction of population as also the undesirable social and economic consequences of a one-child policy and also remove the anomaly of rewarding or punishing the child instead of the parents”.

VHP for dropping one-child norm in draft UP population policy
The Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) has suggested changes to be made in the draft Uttar Pradesh Population (Control, Stabilisation and Welfare) Bill, 2021 which has been published by UP Law Commission inviting suggestions for modification. The rightwing organisation has recommended the deletion of three sections “to avoid the contraction of population as also the undesirable social and economic consequences of a one-child policy and also remove the anomaly of rewarding or punishing the child instead of the parents”.