Just wanted to fight fearlessly: Lovlina on historic win

She delivered a thoroughly clinical performance to ensure an Olympic medal on debut but Indian boxer Lovlina Borgohain (69kg) on Friday said she stepped into the ring against former world champion Nien-Chin Chen without a concrete plan as she knew just a fearless approach would be enough. The 23-year-old Assam boxer was smiling ear-to-ear after making the semifinals but also well aware that the task is only half done.

Just wanted to fight fearlessly: Lovlina on historic win
She delivered a thoroughly clinical performance to ensure an Olympic medal on debut but Indian boxer Lovlina Borgohain (69kg) on Friday said she stepped into the ring against former world champion Nien-Chin Chen without a concrete plan as she knew just a fearless approach would be enough. The 23-year-old Assam boxer was smiling ear-to-ear after making the semifinals but also well aware that the task is only half done.