Is Nepal PM softening his stance towards India?

A cabinet reshuffle effected by Nepal PM KP Oli, including a change in the portfolio for defence minister Ishwor Pokharel, led to speculation that the pro-China leader might be signalling a softening of his govt’s position on the border dispute with India. Pokharel was seen not just as hostile to India but also as one of the ruling party leaders with a pronounced China tilt.

Is Nepal PM softening his stance towards India?
A cabinet reshuffle effected by Nepal PM KP Oli, including a change in the portfolio for defence minister Ishwor Pokharel, led to speculation that the pro-China leader might be signalling a softening of his govt’s position on the border dispute with India. Pokharel was seen not just as hostile to India but also as one of the ruling party leaders with a pronounced China tilt.