Computer Science first choice for JEE toppers

Rank 1 may have chosen an American college over the premier Indian Institutes of Technology, but all India rank 2 opted for the most popular desi option: computer science at IIT Bombay. Seats at this engineering mecca went thick and fast and the CS stream closed at rank 63, reflecting the choice of most toppers. Of the top 100, 58 will go on to join IITB, fewer than last year’s 64.

Computer Science first choice for JEE toppers
Rank 1 may have chosen an American college over the premier Indian Institutes of Technology, but all India rank 2 opted for the most popular desi option: computer science at IIT Bombay. Seats at this engineering mecca went thick and fast and the CS stream closed at rank 63, reflecting the choice of most toppers. Of the top 100, 58 will go on to join IITB, fewer than last year’s 64.