Chennai crime diary: Love, sex and murder

Last October, a woman murdered her husband with the help of her boyfriend. The two fed him a dosa laced with a concoction made of sleeping pills and then strangled him. The woman, Anupriya, and the man were arrested. A month later, a 31-year-old man, B Ansar Basha, of Chitlapakkam, was hacked to death by his girlfriend’s son and two of his friends.

Chennai crime diary: Love, sex and murder
Last October, a woman murdered her husband with the help of her boyfriend. The two fed him a dosa laced with a concoction made of sleeping pills and then strangled him. The woman, Anupriya, and the man were arrested. A month later, a 31-year-old man, B Ansar Basha, of Chitlapakkam, was hacked to death by his girlfriend’s son and two of his friends.