Centre plans 1,000 Dalit startups over 3 years

The government is set to roll out a scheme that is intended to help Dalit techies refine a raw startup idea in the best technological facilities and take it to commercial launch, with the objective of creating 1,000 SC startups over three years. To be called “Ambedkar Social Innovation Incubation Mission”, the social justice and empowerment ministry programme will help “incubate” ideas from young Dalit techies.

Centre plans 1,000 Dalit startups over 3 years
The government is set to roll out a scheme that is intended to help Dalit techies refine a raw startup idea in the best technological facilities and take it to commercial launch, with the objective of creating 1,000 SC startups over three years. To be called “Ambedkar Social Innovation Incubation Mission”, the social justice and empowerment ministry programme will help “incubate” ideas from young Dalit techies.