5 ayurvedic tips to control sugar level post covid-19

Coronavirus takes a huge toll on your body’s immune system and the vital functions of the various organs. While a massive amount of stress during the infection phase restricts the liver to become responsive towards the insulin in order to manage and regulate the blood sugar level. While implementing the ayurvedic dietary practices has proved to reduce and control the amount of blood sugar in the body post covid.Here are 5 essential ayurvedic tips that can help you to overcome this malfunction.

5 ayurvedic tips to control sugar level post covid-19
Coronavirus takes a huge toll on your body’s immune system and the vital functions of the various organs. While a massive amount of stress during the infection phase restricts the liver to become responsive towards the insulin in order to manage and regulate the blood sugar level. While implementing the ayurvedic dietary practices has proved to reduce and control the amount of blood sugar in the body post covid.Here are 5 essential ayurvedic tips that can help you to overcome this malfunction.